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The Emons Group has always attached much importance to the safeguarding of our planet. As a transport company, we know that it is our responsibility to be as sustainable as possible in our operations.
Our aim is to lower our customers and our own carbon footprint as much as we can. A good way of doing it is planting trees that will compensate for the CO2 that, despite our most strenuous efforts, we cannot avoid emitting.
This is why we are happy to support Trees 4 All. We are glad to think that part of our CO2 emissions are compensated thanks to this organization that works tirelessly for a greener and healthier world.

Trees for All has been devoted to create more forests in the world since 1999. We plant new forest and restore existing forest in the Netherlands and abroad. In addition, we make people aware of the importance of trees. Our sustainable forest projects contribute to a better climate, more biodiversity and healthy living conditions for people and animals. In this way we invest together in a green and healthy earth for everyone! We are a Public Benefit Organisation (ANBI) with a CBF certificate.